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All Sessions

  • OnDemand
  • A Case-based Approach to the Role of Nutrition in Managing Chronic Enteropathy in Dogs and Cats
  • Accurately Assessing Calcium Homeostasis in Dogs and Cats
  • Adaptations of Human Insulin Therapy to Pets
  • Adoptive Cellular Therapies for Cancer, Autoimmunity and Transplant
  • Antimicrobial Resistance for the Food Animal Internist
  • Applications for Genetic Testing in Dogs and Cats
  • ASE Guidelines for Transthoracic Echocardiography in Dogs and Cats
  • Assisting in Equine Dystocia
  • Avoiding Cognitive Errors in Clinical Evaluation
  • Basic Diagnostic Approach to Parasitology in Small Ruminants and Camelids
  • CANCELLED: Ups and Downs of Hemodynamics in the Cath Lab
  • Candidate Function: 3 Ds in Neuropathology: Detection, Description, Deduction
  • Causes and Treatments for Diarrhea Acute Diarrhea
  • Clinical Management of Acid-base and Electrolyte Imbalances in Neonatal Calf Diarrhea
  • Clinical Significance of Blood Storage Lesions
  • Colostrum Management for Healthy Calf Development
  • Common Disorders and Management in South American Camelids
  • Creating Engaging and Inclusive Meetings
  • Detecting and Correcting Serious Errors Made by Common Hematology Analyzers
  • Developing Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs for Small Animal Veterinary Clinics
  • Diagnosing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using CT/MRI
  • Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Diseases in Sheep and Goats
  • Diagnosis and Management of Venous Thromboemboli: Veterinary Perspective
  • Discussing a Role for Pragmatic Veterinary Medicine
  • ECG Interpretation for Non-Cardiologists
  • Emerging Cardiovascular Therapies-Exploiting the Link Between Heart and Kidney
  • Endothelium in Health and Disease
  • Endovascular Treatment of Liver Disease
  • Equine Common Variable Immunodeficiency
  • Evidence-based Approach to Drug Therapy in Large Animals
  • Evidence-based Approach to Drug Therapy in Small Animals
  • Evidence-based Evaluation of Blood Pressure Measurement
  • Experiences with Digital Cytology
  • Formulating Vegan Diets for Cats
  • Genetics of Feline Diabetes Mellitus
  • Genomics and Transcriptomics of Canine and Feline Coronaviruses
  • Hemoperitoneum Due to Anaphylaxis
  • How to Improve Management of Acute Kidneys Injury in Horses
  • Hunting for the Cause of a Novel Pancytopenia in Cats in the United Kingdom
  • Identifying and Treating Canine Parasites
  • Identifying and Treating Feline Parasites
  • Management of Obesity in Adult Horses
  • Mechanisms of NSAID-Induced GI Injury in Dogs
  • Mechanisms of Obesity-associated Disease: Lessons from Mice and People
  • Myocardial MRNA & MicroRNA Expression Profiles of Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  • Nutritional Aspects of Common Clinical Problems in Mini Pigs
  • Nutritional Management of Digestive Disease in Brachycephalic Dogs
  • Obesity as a Genetic Disease in People and Dogs
  • Pain Assessment and Management in Food Animals
  • Practical Parasite Control from Hospital to Field in Ruminants
  • Preparation and Shipment of CSF and Tissue Samples from Neurological Patients to the Lab
  • Preparing and Writing Manuscripts for Peer-Reviewed Journals
  • Pulmonary Hypertension: Diagnosis, Guidelines and Treatment
  • Re-establishing the GI Microbiome
  • Serial NT-proBNP and Myocardial Strain Imaging in Preclinical Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • SOTA: Cardio-Renal Syndrome and Diuretic Resistance: Mechanism and clinical implications
  • The Clinical Significance of Quorum Sensing in Bacteria
  • The Microbiome in Critically Ill Dogs and Cats: A Criticalist's Perspective
  • The Present and Future of Equine Pain Management
  • The Science Behind SINE Class Drugs: Novel Small Molecules for Oncology
  • Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Feline Infectious Peritonitis
  • Thermal Imaging in Respiratory Disease
  • Toxidromes in Working Dogs
  • Use of Vet BLUE for Small Animal Pneumonia and Relevance to COVID-19
  • Vet BLUE and TFAST for Common Causes of Respiratory Distress in Cats
  • Once-daily Insulin Glargine 300 U/ml for the Treatment of Canine Diabetes Mellitus
  • 1:00 PM – 3:45 PM CT
    Feline Cardiomyopathies and the Current Consensus Statement Guidelines