Shannon Hunter, MS
Director, Biostatistics
RTI Health Solutions
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Disclosure: GSK (Other Financial or Material Support, Ms. Hunter is an employee of RTI Health Solutions, who received consultancy fees from GSK for conduct of the study. Ms. Hunter received no direct compensation from the Sponsor.)
Diana Garbinsky, MS
RTI Health Solutions
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Disclosure: GSK (Other Financial or Material Support, The study was conducted by RTI Health Solutions, which received consultancy fees from GSK. I am a salaried employee at RTI Health Solutions and received no direct compensation from GSK for the conduct of this study..)
Elizabeth M. La, PhD
Associate Director, Health Economics
RTI Health Solutions
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Disclosure: RTI Health Solutions (Employee)
Sara Poston, PharmD
Head, US Health Outcomes Research, Vaccines
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Disclosure: The GlaxoSmithKline group of companies (Employee, Shareholder)
Cosmina Hogea, PhD
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Disclosure: GlaxoSmithKline (Employee, Shareholder)