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Optimize Veterinary care with the power of AI technology.

Want to learn how Dragon Medical One speech recognition can boost productivity in your Veterinary practice? Complete this FORM to request a proposal and schedule a free trial of Dragon Medical One to conduct your own proof of concept with your Practice Management Software.
Chart 45% Faster with Dragon Medical One

Eliminate long nights of charting when you speech enable your Veterinary practice. Award winning cloud-based Dragon Medical One allows veterinarians to dictate 45% faster than typing and with superior accuracy. Witness a live demonstration of Dragon Medical One and see how you can spend less time typing and more time with patients or more time to yourself!
Award winning DRAGON MEDICAL ONE speech recognition can help with both & MORE!

Dragon Medical One provides veterinarians the ability to spend less time typing & more time with patients.

Compatible with Most Veterinary Practice Management Software
Dragon Medical One is compatible with most veterinary practice management software
Dragon Medical One helps veterinarians navigate and dictate medical decision-making and treatment plans into their Veterinary Practice Management software of choice.

Would you rather spend your time Typing or Treating?

For many modern Veterinarians, each day has become busier, leaving very little idle time for typing patient notes. Ask any Veterinarian and they will agree, typing is not the most effective uses of their time.

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As a result several things happen:

  • Veterinarians are losing valuable time that should be spent providing better patient care

  • Due to time constraints, documentation is lacking, leaving Veterinarians vulnerable to liability or disciplinary action.

  • Practice work flows can be negatively impacted, effected resulting in lower efficiency and revenues.

Overwhelmed with documentation?

Dragon Medical One allows veterinarians to dictate 45% faster than typing and with 99% accuracy to streamline patient documentation.

Be productive ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.

Dragon Medical One provides the freedom and flexibility to accurately translate your voice into a detailed narrative that feeds seamlessly into your Veterinary Practice Management Software.

Dog and his Vet

Dragon Medical One is a customized medical speech recognition solution specific for Veterinary Professionals!

As a veterinarian, you know days can be long and patient documentation is never-ending. By speech-enabling your practice, Dragon Medical One is the best solution for veterinarians looking for a way to run their practice more efficiently. 


Dragon Medical One is designed for speed, accuracy, and flexibility with personalized vocabularies and templates that can be accessed and shared across the widest range of devices in the industry. You will benefit from workflow optimization, time savings on patient documentation, and increased overall revenue.

Say hello to freedom.

Interested in trying Dragon Medical One & PowerMic Mobile for FREE to conduct your own proof of concept?

Complete the form and you will be contacted by one of our team members to schedule a trial at no charge or obligation. The trial (which includes an abbreviated training session) is scheduled for an hour but typically takes 30 minutes or less.

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