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Rehabilitation of Balance Disorders: BalanceVR

BalanceVR is a set of Virtual Reality Assessment and Rehabilitation software packages developed specifically for the treatment of Balance Disorders, Vestibular Rehabilitation... a multi-sensory rehabilitation that has become indispensable.

senior with bottomless mask virtualis VR helmet

What they say about it...

"It's a tool we've been waiting for! The results come faster! »

D. Gerbaulet, Kinesitherapist, Toulouse, and Co-Founder of the French Society of Vestibular Kinesitherapy

A precise answer adapted to your daily life:


Some of the exercises available in the BalanceVR Pack:


Optokinetic stimulation module fully adapted to Virtual Reality! Physiological Optokinetics Optimized Physiological Optokinetics with no specific installation required: 3D, random pattern. Optimal and standardized conditions.

Indications : Visual Dependence, Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD), Falls Prevention, Balance Disorders

Example of possible exercise:
Visual Dependence: Create a sensory Visuo-Vestibular conflict by following the protocol included: first test session (for the patient's tolerance), then progressive stimulations starting with a realistic environment in slow horizontal rotation, to finish vertically over longer sessions.

Good to know: 6 specific environments, including one reproducing the optokinetic ball of yesteryear projected in a room with adjustable dimensions (in addition to many other parameters such as brightness, diameter, space between holes etc...).

OptoSpace virtualis vr
Optical Flow

Optical Flow

Solution for the work of linear optical flow and radial optokinetics for the management of Scrolling Syndromes. Rehabilitation of the patient's balancing strategy as well as reduction of the weight of the visual input. Software creating linear scrolling for vestibular disorders but also general balance work. Flow orientation in 9 directions.

Indications : Visual Dependence, Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD), Falls Prevention, Balance Disorders, Proprioception

Example of a possible exercise:
Proprioceptive disorder/resumption of support : The first session will be the "test session" foreseen in the protocol included to test the patient's tolerance. Then, in progression, the scrolling will be done in a linear way and then using the different directions to provoke destabilization targeted towards the deficient sides.

Balance Sheet: hCTSIB VR

ModifiedSensory Organization Test: evaluation of Balance and the different systems that contribute to it in isolation.
6 successive sequences in only 3 minutes: on stable ground: eyes open, eyes closed, slaved vision then the same 3 sequences on unstable ground. Graphical assessment with the rate of use of each sensory input: Somesthesia, Vestibular, Visual, and Visual Dependency score. Statokinesigrams, fine analysis by wavelets, polar views.

Indications : Differential balance and posture assessment.

Equilibrium balance hCTSIB
DVA simulation virtualis vr


Dynamic Visual Acuity revisited! Complete software for evaluation and rehabilitation of image stabilization during high-frequency head movements (oscillopsia).
Precise assessments performed on screen: patient/screen distance measured at each assessment. Rehabilitation on screen or in the virtual reality mask. High amplitude DSA: 360° physiological movements. Anticipatory jerk work.

Indications : Unilateral or Bilateral vestibular deficiency, Aging of vestibular function (Presbyvestibulia), Reintegration of rapid head movements after a vestibular incident such as BPPV, Cervicalgia (speed/amplitude work).


Evaluation of the Subjective Visual Vertical, a kind of "internal plumb line", without visual field. Fully customizable protocol: number of measurements, initial angles, customized sequence...
Precise measurements with head tilt angle.
Optimal and reproducible conditions without special installation.

Indications: Neurocentral (Stroke, Pusher Syndrome), Peripheral Vestibular Impairment

VVS virtualis vr
Crowd simulation VR virtualis


Crowd simulator in 6 environments: shopping center (large hall or aisle), small store, hallway, subway, pedestrian crossing.

Indications: Treating Scrolling Syndromes (SSDP) in ecological conditions, visual vertigo, and reintegration of Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Treatment of Ochlophobia, Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia. Analysis of the NSU = reintegration in ecological conditions and observation of the strategy.

Example of a possible exercise:
Situation in the middle of a shopping mall lobby for patients who are afraid of falling. These patients most often stay close to the walls or to something that allows them to catch up. Immersion in the center, without any catch possible with a progressive flow of passers-by and a progressive (adjustable) proximity.

And also...

And much more, not to mention all the new features developed every month.

BalanceVR an offer that includes :

1 software package


Complete equipment required

(PC + Screen + Virtual Reality Mask...)


An Intuitive Patient Management Interface

(follow-ups, definition of protocols and printing of reports)


Pack recommended for daily use:

  • Optokinetics (6 3D environments)
  • Optical Flow (linear or curved)
  • Balance assessment (CTSIB VR: modified sensory organisation test)
  • VVS Vertical Visual Subjective
  • Rod & Frame Test
  • RotationVR (registration of the rotating chair)
  • Spine Amplitude Cervical
  • Target Tracking
  • Cephalic Repositioning
  • Head-Eye Coordination
  • Highway simulation (Motion sickness/Kinetosis)
  • Car simulation (Motion Sickness / Kinetosis)
  • Maritime Simulation (Motion Sickness / Kinetosis)
  • Reading Sway Referenced (Motion Sickness / Kinetosis)
  • Waves Sway Referenced (Motion Sickness / Kinetosis)
  • Elevator (Motion Sickness / Kinetosis)


Complete package for the widest range of applications:

  • DVA VR (amplitude up to 360°)
  • CrowdVR (PPPD)
  • EscalatorVR

Complete hardware included in the Advanced Pack:

HTC Vive Pro Full Kit VR virtualis
HTC Vive Pro Complete Kit
PC Virtual Reality Rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
High-end VR PC
Computer Screen Virtual Reality Rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
22' touch screen
Complete furniture virtualis vr
The trolley (H150/L65/P60)
Steering wheel and pedals for vehicle driving virtual reality rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
Steering Wheel Pedal + Bracket Kit (Thustmaster T150 + Wheel Stand Pro V2)
Virtual reality rehabilitation pedal - Virtualis VR
USB pedals
VR Cover virtualis
Hygienic protection foams
Tripods - Virtualis VR
2 Tripods to install the bases
Tracker + virtual reality rehabilitation headset - Virtualis VR
1 tracker + headphones

Additional equipment in the Elite Pack :

Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Tracker - Virtualis VR
1 additional tracker + screen mount

Complete Hardware included in the Balance Pack

HTC Vive Pro Full Kit VR virtualis
HTC Vive Pro Complete Kit
PC Virtual Reality Rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
High-end VR PC
Computer Screen Virtual Reality Rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
22' touch screen
Complete furniture virtualis vr
The trolley (H150/L65/P60)
Steering wheel and pedals for vehicle driving virtual reality rehabilitation - Virtualis VR
Steering Wheel Pedal + Bracket Kit (Thustmaster T150 + Wheel Stand Pro V2)
Virtual reality rehabilitation pedal - Virtualis VR
USB pedals
VR Cover virtualis
Hygienic protection foams
Tripods - Virtualis VR
2 Tripods to install the bases
Tracker + virtual reality rehabilitation headset - Virtualis VR
1 tracker + headphones
Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Tracker - Virtualis VR
1 additional tracker + screen mount

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