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Health Economics
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Health Economics
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(HE-001) Billing Discrepancies Using Photo Documentation That Measures True Surface Area Versus Conventional Measurements of Length x Width
(HE-002) Decreased Health Care Expenditure and Average Length of Therapy with Facilitated Transition Discharge Program for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Patients
(HE-003) Cost-Effectiveness of Two-Layer Dual Compression System (DCS) Bandage System in the Management of Venous Leg Ulcers.
(HE-004) The health economic implications of a comparative time and motion study done on two bandage systems, one traditional four layer system, the other a novel two layer dual compression system (DCS).
(HE-005) Early Versus Late, It Does Not Pay To Wait When Treating A Venous Leg Ulcer In An Outpatient Wound Clinic
(HE-007) Addressing hard-to-heal wounds with a virtual, interprofessional wound care program
(HE-008) A measure of convenience in terms of time saved in a busy clinic that used both a 2 -layer and a 4-layer bandage system on patients requiring compression therapy.
(HE-009) Cost-Effectiveness of Dehydrated Human Amnion Chorion Membrane Allografts in the Treatment of Lower Extremity Diabetic Ulcers