(PI-032) Analyzing the Science of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)
Austin Price, BS, CCRC – Lead Clinical Research Coordinator, Burn Research, Joseph M. Still Research Foundation, Inc.
Introduction: In the lifespan of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT), clinicians in nearly every care setting have perfected the use of NPWT. In fact, it is accepted as a standard of care in many settings for advanced wound care management. How to apply the dressing and maintain the therapy is understood in a broad, general sense by most clinicians. However, not many can describe the fundamentals of what makes these devices perform as they do. Having this understanding elevates practice and knowledge.
Methods: This is a review of the literature and discussion of the physics and dynamics of fluid and pressure in relation to NPWT.
Results: Understanding the fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, how pressure is applied, and its purpose in the medical field helps to define negative pressure. The development of a pressure gradient, movement of fluid, and fluid dynamics will be described. Understanding this helps to understand negative pressure in a more intricate manner which in turn, allows clinicians to monitor and master the application of negative pressure in a more precise way. Finally, understanding how negative pressure affects local tissues contributes to an overall better understanding of the mechanisms of actions with NPWT.
Discussion: There are fundamental requirements of a negative pressure wound therapy system that are important in driving the full mode of action. Understanding these requirements and how they related to negative pressure ensures that the full mode of action can be delivered consistently .
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