Please note all sessions will take place in Eastern Daylight Time.
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COVID Policies and Information
We look forward to safely meeting in Tampa, FL. OTA will have specific procedures in place to ensure the safety of our members, attendees, and staff, while continuing to provide an engaging conference experience through which our community can reconnect.
This applies to meeting attendees, vendors, and exhibitors.
Official OTA Annual Meeting COVID Vaccination Policy (updated May 18, 2022)As a condition of attendance at events, individuals must meet one of the following as of the first date of the event:
- Be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 which is defined as the period which at least fourteen (14 days) after: (i) receiving the last dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine; or (ii) receiving one dose of a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine; or
- Have a negative COVID test result within 72 hours of the first day registrants are attending the Event; or
- Exempt from receiving any COVID-19 vaccine due to any of the following:
- Health Circumstance - History of previous allergic reaction to indicate an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to a component of the vaccine; health condition or medical circumstances such that immunization is not considered safe; or any other health condition or medical circumstance where receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is contraindicated ; or
- Sincerely-Held Religious Belief: Religious belief and/or practice which is (a) sincerely held; and (b) which prohibits receiving immunizations.
If requested by OTA, individuals shall provide proof of their vaccination status or appropriate medical documentation from their health care provider and/or other additional information that OTA may require to substantiate their status.
All attendees will be requested to attest to complying with the OTA Annual Meeting COVID Vaccination Policy. Attendees may attest prior to the start of the meeting.
Attendees who have not attested prior to arriving on-site will be asked to attest by completing a form at registration when receiving your badge.
We encourage masking. We are following local ordinances. As of 5/18, masks will not be required.
Safety protocols and service adjustments may be in effect in hotels, restaurants, and other businesses. Please be sure to check appropriate websites prior to arrival.
OTA continues to monitor ongoing developments and will follow policy changes and safety precautions in place at the time of the conference. We are working closely with our meeting planning professionals to ensure a safe environment that meets local, state, building, and CDC procedures. As we get closer to the date of the conference, updates will be provided. Check back to this page for new information and updates. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to with questions or concerns.
Guidance for COVID-19 from the CDC
Domestic Travel During COVID-19 | CDC
International Travel During COVID-19 - See International Travel Resources Page
COVID Testing Sites Near Tampa Convention Center
This page will continue to be updated as we receive more information.