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Hands-on, Interactive Labs & Workshops

Cadaver Lab   $99     
Sponsored by Teleflex

Tuesday, October 25th - Four, 2-hour sessions

Attendees register for ONE lab - each lab limited to 24 participants

• 0730 - 0930h
• 1000 - 1200h
• 1300 - 1500h
• 1530 - 1730h

The cadaver procedural lab program is designed to provide the unique opportunity for healthcare providers to understand and practice various procedures utilizing cadaveric specimens, simulation, alternative training materials and didactic information. These labs are structured utilizing a layered educational approach that is conducive to adult learning. A typical lab is formatted to take the attendee through a variety of stations covering relevant indications, contraindications, complications and familiarization with medical procedures and technique.

This experience allows clinicians a hands-on opportunity to practice advanced procedures in a safe, realistic environment. These programs help overcome apprehension and build confidence and can be incredibly impactful in changing practice.

Multifaceted Bleeding Control     $49  
  Sponsored by Teleflex

Tuesday, October 25th   |   0930 – 1130h

Session limited to 40 participants

Summary: This program offers a review of QuikClot® Hemostatic Products, followed by case studies offering utilization techniques. We want to help you walk away with an in depth understanding of QuikClot® Products including indication, mode of action, potential benefits, application, and utilization.

  • Verbalize indications and contraindications
  • Understand mode of action
  • Recognize product benefits 
  • Describe product applications

Mechanical Ventilation Workshop     $49    Sponsored by Hamilton Medical and Zoll

Sunday, October 23rd  |   Pre-conference option - 1300 -  1700h

Monday, October 24th  |  1300 -  1700h
Each session limited to 24 participants

Mechanical ventilation is an essential skill for any provider who has advanced airway management as a part of their scope of practice. Mechanical ventilation is the great equalizer in the transport environment. Through a mix of both lecture and hands on manipulation of the ventilator, this workshop will provide a foundational knowledge of mechanical ventilation, followed by utilization of lung simulators and case studies to solidify your newfound knowledge and prepare you for your next intubated patient.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Discuss the fundamental concepts of how to approach the mechanically ventilated patient.
  • Identify strategies to optimize oxygenation and ventilation utilizing the ventilation
  • Utilize interactive case studies to demonstrate and discuss mechanical ventilation of both medical and trauma patients

Sam Matta, RN, CFRN, CCRN, NRP, Johns Hopkins Lifeline
Sarah Burton, RN, CFRN, CCRN, Johns Hopkins Lifeline
Jim Phipps, FPC, CCEMTP, NRP, UNC Carolina AirCare
Shawn Trautman, RN, CFRN, CCRN, Johns Hopkins Lifeline

Cardiopulmonary Hands-On Dissection Lab    $29  
Tuesday, October 25th   |   1530 - 1730h
Session limited to 30 participants

Come learn the basics of cardiopulmonary by joining this hands on dissection lab. Attendees of this lab will learn to identify important concepts regarding differences in adult and pediatric airway structures and apply these concepts to assessment and management of the critical care patient regardless of age. They will also learn to identify respiratory and cardiovascular anatomy concepts that are critical to apply to patient assessment and management of the critical care patient as well as apply concepts of preload and afterload to management of the critical or unstable patient.
Identify important concepts regarding differences in adult and pediatric airway structures and apply these concepts to assessment and management of the critical care patient regardless of age

By the end of the session, attendees will be able to:

  • Review the pathophysiology of trauma ‘killers’ and apply concepts to the assessment and management of the unstable patient
  • Perform the following critical care skills necessary in the care of the critical care and unstable patient:
    • Endotracheal intubation
    • Combitube, King LT, i-gel
    • Needle cricothyrotomy
    • Surgical cricothyrotomy
    • Pericardiocentesis
    • Retrograde intubation
Sharon Purdom, RN, BSN, CEN, CFRN, NREMT, Med-Trans Corporation
Stu McVicar, RRT, FP-C, CCEMT-P, Flight For Life