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CE Letters are now available! CLICK HERE to access. You will need your AHRA login information. Questions? Contact

ARRT Category A continuing education (CE) credit will be available at the AHRA Annual Meeting and Exposition. CE credit for states with licensure for radiologic technologists will also be available. The number of credits per session is listed next to the session description. 

AHRA will be using an electronic tracking system for CE credits. Please follow these instructions to receive credit: 

1. The QR code on your badge will be scanned as you enter a session and as you leave the session. You must get BOTH scans in order to receive CE credit. 

2. You must be ON TIME for every session or you will NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR CE CREDIT AND WILL NOT BE SCANNED INTO THE SESSION. There is no “buffer” time. 

3. Since the QR code on your badge tracks your attendance, you can only get CE credit if you have your badge with you at the session! 

4. Each night you will receive an email from listing the sessions you attended and the number of credits you received that day. This email will also include links to online session evaluations— please make sure you complete the evaluations! If you are not receiving the nightly emails, please be sure that is added as a safe sender in your spam filter. A summary of your earned credits is also available to view at

5. After the conference you will receive an email listing your complete attendance history and number of credits earned. Please note, you must request the addition of any missing credits by no later than Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Visit for instructions. 

6. As always, you are responsible for reporting your credits to ARRT or other licensure agencies. 

7. CE letters will be distributed on/around August 24, 2022.