Track: Inspire Session
Track: Career Track
Aramati Casper
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
Sachinthani Karunarathne
School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2020 was initially heralded by some as a year of insight - of “2020 vision.” While the COVID-19 pandemic, Black Lives Matter movement, and manifestations of climate change were likely not what many had in mind for “2020 vision,” all of these events provide insight into current pressing problems that intersect with ecology across local to global scales. Addressing these issues through our teaching, research, and outreach is part of creating vital connections in ecology, yet doing so is often challenging on many levels, especially when this must be done relying on socially distanced, remote, and online connectivity. In this Inspire session, speakers will share how they navigated mentoring undergraduates in remote ecological research, implemented culturally responsive ecology curriculum, and fostered belonging for historically excluded identities in ecology. Following the speakers, we will move into an open discussion in which attendees can ask questions and share their experiences. We will also create space for brainstorming how to address challenges that attendees and others have faced. During the session, attendees will have the option to join a session-specific mailing list, which will serve as a supportive space to continue this essential conversation.
Presenting Author: Mallory M. Rice – San Francisco State University
Presenting Author: Kelly Luis – University of Massachusetts Boston
Presenting Author: Kennedy Rubert-Nason – Natural and Behavioral Sciences, University of Maine Fort Kent - Madison
Presenting Author: Maria Jose Pastor-Infantas – San Francisco State University
Presenting Author: A.M. Aramati Casper – Colorado State University
Presenting Author: Xochitl Clare – University of California, Santa Barbara
Presenting Author: Onjalé Scott Price – Woods Hole Partnership Education Program
Presenting Author: Silvia Alvarez-Clare – Science and Conservation, The Morton Arboretum