Track: Inspire Session
Track: Career Track
Kenneth Klemow
Biology, Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA
Kenneth Klemow
Biology, Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA
Adounke Mahugnon Gilles Renaud
wildlife Ecology, Laboratory of Applied Ecology
Abomey Calavi, Benin
In 2018, ESA’s Governing Board adopted the Four Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework as a guide for teaching ecology at undergraduate and graduate levels. 4DEE also provides core ideas for professional development and certification and supports outreach and informal education efforts. Up until now, the proponents of 4DEE have focused their effort on ESA members. But now is the time to expand 4DEE beyond that population. This session invites representatives from peer societies to discuss: 1) how 4DEE can benefit ecology education for their own members, and 2) how the four dimensional approach might be adapted to their discipline. Presenters from seven biological and education-oriented societies will share how their organizations are aligning with 4DEE goals. Included will be a discussion about the ways in which innovations in education research can help advance 4DEE. The ideas and discussion generated by this session will help form a vision and growing constituency for broad application of 4DEE.
Presenting Author: Jennifer L. Momsen – Department of Biological Sciences, North Dakota State University
Presenting Author: J. Checo Colon-Gaud – Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University
Presenting Author: Leanne Jablonski – University of Dayton Hanley Sustainability Institute, Marianist Environmental Education Center
Presenting Author: Troy Sadler – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Presenting Author: Valerie Banschbach – Gustavus Adolphus College
Presenting Author: Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao – University of Washington