Adult ID
Epidemiology & Infection Control
Investigative ID
Pediatric ID
Transplant ID
Ilan Schwartz, MD PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Disclosure: I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Lynne Strasfeld, MD
Associate Professor
Division of Infectious Diseases
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, Oregon
Disclosure: I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
CME Credits: Maximum of 1.25 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Creditâ„¢
MOC Credits: Maximum of 1.25 hours of MOC Credit
ACPE Credits: ACPE 1.25 Knowledge-based contact hours of pharmacy CE
ACPE Number: 0221-9999-20-463-H04-P